Food from Finland invites you to meet the aquaculture buyers from St.Petersburg and Leningrad region on Wednesday, November 16th at Consulate of Finland in St.Petersburg.

Why Russia?
Fish farming development in Russian provides significant long-term opportunities for Finnish producers of aquaculture products (fish feeds, seeds, fertilized eggs) and equipment as well as for Finnish companies offering aquaculture consultancy & engineering services.
Russia is developing its aquaculture sector not only to replace the lost fish imports caused by the food embargo (August 2014), but also to increase the share of the domestic fish production from 155 300 tons (2013) up to 315 000 tons by 2020 when the share of the domestic fish products is expected to be 80%.

Russian Aquaculture companies which are coming to the event in St.Petersburg are interested in the following categories:
• fish seeds and fertilized eggs (10-100 g)
• fingerlings
• fish feeds
• fish farming equipment (energy efficient recirculating aquaculture systems, wastewater / polluted water treatment solutions)

09.30 – 10.00 Registration, coffee/tea
10.00 – 12.30 Aquaculture seminar
• Welcome words by the Consulate of Finland.
• Vladimir Konukhov, Chairman of Fish Farming Union of Leningrad Region. Development of Aquaculture in North-West Russia
• Idris Idiatulin, Head of Veterinary Department of Leningrad Region
• Natalia Tarasova, Head of Aquaculture Department of Leningrad Region
• Presentations of Finnish participants (10-15 min per participant).
12.30 – 13.00 Coffee break
13.00 – 15.00 One-to-one meetings with the Russian participants
15.00 – 17.00 Networking buffet

Please indicate your interest by registering your company before Friday 20th September to